Early Childhood

HB-1010: Early Childhood Educator Income Tax Credit

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What it does?

This bill creates a refundable income tax credit for early childhood educator who has had their early childhood professional credentials and licensee for at least six months or a persons employed by an eligible program for at least six months. Other requirements to receiving the tax credit include an income of less than or equal to $75,000 for a single family or $150,000 for a joint household as well as a Colorado Shine quality rating of at least 2. The tax credit is upwards of $1,500.

Why we support?

This bill begins to address a much-needed financial support to our early childhood educator sector in Colorado. Although the larger goal is increased compensation, this is a step in a right direction and is why CSPC supports HB-1010.

HB-1006: Child Care Center Property Tax Exemption 

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What it does?

This removes a property tax exemption that will now allow all childcare centers to be eligible for.  

Why we support?

Although, this would include private childcare sector as well, at CSPC we believe in a mixed-method delivery system and that all childcare needs to be affordable in the state of Colorado. This credit will give incentive and relief to those who rent to childcare centers with the intent to then lower the cost of childcare centers, we believe this is a step in the right direction.  

HB-1197: Effective Date of Department of Early Childhood

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What it does?

This bill is moving the start date for the new Department of Early Childhood from July 1st, 2022, to April 1st, 2022 which has been signed by our governor into law. This means that starting April 1st, 2022 the Department of Early Childhood will begin there work for the State and begin to receive funding. 

Why we support?

We supported HB21-1304 last year in the creation of the new Department of Early Childhood. This bill is an extension of HB-1304 and moves the effective date sooner to begin the implementation process of this necessary department. As supporters of the department as a whole, we believe the work needs to begin as soon as possible.

HB22-1295: Department Early Childhood And Universal Preschool Program

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What it does?

This is the long awaited bill that you may have heard some conversation around in the State in the last year! This bill establishes duties for the Department of Early Childhood (DEC), creates the new universal preschool program, and addresses the early childhood workforce. We broke this bill down into the three primary focuses that highlight the many important pieces of HB22-1295. As this bill continues through the process, we will be sure to up date you on all the important changes. 

Department of Early Childhood (DEC):

 This section of the bill outlines the duties of the department, the rule making authority of the Executive Director, the evaluation process, as well as the programs that will be moving to the new department. 

Universal Preschool: 

The universal preschool program will begin in FY 2023-2024 created by the Department of Early Childhood. The bill states Departments must create a mixed delivery system to allow parents the choice to select their preschool provider that best meets their children’s needs in the community. Under HB-1295 all children are eligible for 10 hours per week of free preschool in the year before kindergarten. 

Early Childhood Workforce: 

This bill includes a requirement for the Department of Early Childhood to develop a plan of action for increasing recruitment and training as well as how we can retain a high quality early childhood workforce. This would be in collaboration with the CDE and other organizations and state entities. 

Why we support?

We believe in access for all especially early-childhood intervention and childcare services. This bills addresses a historcially delayed need for services for the young children of Colorado. At CSPC, we believe wholeheartedly in the data that supports the importance of early childhood intervention and acess too.  It also addresses the need to prioritize the crucial early childhood workforce and providers who are on the ground every day supporting our children. We look forward to see how this bill continues to progress through the process and will update you on the specifics as it continues!

Workforce Development

SB-140: Expansion of Experiential Learning Opportunities

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What it does?

This bill requires multiple state agencies to support work-based experiential learning opportunities through programs. The programs would be a Work-Based Learning Incentive Program, Statewide Digital Navigator Program, Virtual Career-aligned English as a Second Language Program, and a Global Talent Task Force. Each program addressed needs to diversify and strengthen the workforce as well as create more equitable opportunities. More descriptions of each is below. 

Work-Based Learning Incentive Program: Provides financial incentives to employers who create work-based learning opportunities through direct payment to employer

Statewide Digital Navigator Program: Creates a work-based learning program to address digital inequities. The program will do outreach, provide technology and literacy support, connect target populations to resources, and more. 

Virtual Career-aligned English as a Second Language Program: Would create a virtual English as a Second Language (ESL) program to provide training for English language learners (ELL) to help ELLs transition into the workforce while training as well as support career-alignment.

Global Talent Task Force: The task force will be required to provide a report and policy recommendations around the process for obtaining occupational licenses and international credentials to integrate new Americans and internationally trained professionals into the Colorado workforce. 

Why we support?

As we enter, post-pandemic times now more than ever diversifying the workforce and creating equitable outcomes is necessary. CSPC strongly supports this legislation as it addresses the many areas of growth that are needed to make the workforce accessible and welcoming to all. The Global Talent Task Force alone, could allow the opportunity for so many people who have received education and certification in other countries to actually utilize them. We must end these harmful, discriminatory, and racist narratives that exist in the workforce (might come on too strong). 

HB-1220: Removing Barriers to Educator Preparation 

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What it does?

This bill creates stipend programs as well as expands temporary license eligibility authorization to educators. The Student Educator Stipend Program will aim to reduce the financial burden to entering the workforce well placed as a student teacher. Students will be eligible to receive a stipend of $11,000 for a 16-week academic residency and $22,000 for a 32-week academic residency.

Why we support?

CSPC strongly believes in a diverse workforce and creating equitable outcomes for all people in the State. Educators face many barriers in there early years of teaching and prevents so many from progressing forward, especially the financial burden. This stipend for student teaching allows more people of diverse backgrounds to complete their education and enter the workforce and continue on despite current socioeconomic status.


HB-1110: Board of Education Executive Session

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What it does? 

This bill modifies open meeting laws to permit a school district board of education to discuss the employment contract for the district superintendent. The board must have more than one finalist for the position and hold a forum to conduct interviews for each finalist.

Why we opposes?

CSPC opposes HB-1110 because we believe in transparency of publicly funded positions and dollars, especially in schools. The public and parents should have a say in the money they provide and this bill does not address the level of transpacery in an appropriate capacity throughout the whole process. 


HB22-1289: Health Benefits for Colorado Children and Pregnant Persons 

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What it does?

This bill is also known as Coverage for all Coloradoans and makes changes to health insurance coverage for low-income pregnant people and children in low-income families. It expands coverage to ALL pregnant persons and children, regardless of immigration status, for up to 12 months postpartum and for child, up until 18 years old. It also provides coverage to perinatal support programs and looks to expand special enrollment for pregnant individuals. 

Why we support?

Equitable outcomes can only begin when we have equitable access and supports. This bill addresses a history long discriminatory exclusion of vital and necessary services to individuals who desperately need them. We believe in healthcare access no matter what and that it is critical to health and well-being of pregnant persons and children. CSPC strongly supports this legislation and knows healthcare coverage for undocumented children and pregnant people is a win for all Coloradoans and their future. 

HB-1055: Sales Tax Exemption Essential Hygiene Products

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What it does?

This bill removes state sale and use tax on period products as well as diapers. 

Why we support?

taxes that primarily impact one population of people is harmful and discriminatory. This is why CSPC strongly supports HB22-1055 to remove tax on these items. This can also take away some of the financial burden on childcare facilities or programs that serve people who menstruate or need diapers

Safe Enviroments

Filter First Bill: 

What it does?

Did you know that in the United States federal law and the State of Colorado allows drinking water fixtures and plumbing to contain lead? This is why we support this legislation that says filter first, then test. 

Why we support?

At CSPC, we believe and support the science that shows the harm that lead can have to children, regardless of what is considered safe levels. Children (and teachers and parents) deserve to feel safe in schools, and that includes the prevention of diseases and illnesses at all costs. So much harm can be done by lead poisoning and Colorado has an opportunity to change that. This investment is crucial to the future of our young children and that is why CSPC urges you to support this bill.