Phone: 720-890-0123 |PO Box 11849, Denver, Co 80211

Who it’s for

Parents who’s primary language is not English are often locked out of finding, understanding, and utilizing the resources that their children who have different disabilities need. This is found in society, in schools, and the healthcare system. Provides support to parents of children with disabilities by providing resources, emotional support and information with the goal of advocating for appropriate services, so that their children receive what they need to develop their abilities to their fullest

How its done

Grupo de Apoyo works on 3 initiatives with the goal of impacting the community environment in a positive way and looking for changes that are reflected in the family as well as in the community in general.

1. Family Advocates

This initiative is aimed at helping parents learn how the educational system works and at the same time helping them to navigate it, so that in a short period of time they become advocates for their children.

2. Learning Healthcare System

This initiative seeks to actively involve parents in the health care system, through routine health checks of their children, by having a good understanding of  the medical conditions that affect them, and by seeking additional benefits offered by the system, so  their children can have a better quality of life.

3. An inclusive community

This initiative seeks to show parents, families and the entire community that people with disabilities can participate in most of the daily activities and that accommodations only require a little creativity to become an inclusive community.

Who it’s for?

The main goal is to work together with the parents and family of children with disabilities while also remembering that we are part of a community as a whole and that we seek inclusion and equity, therefore all parents are welcome.